The group from Luchon, Arredalh, won over the numerous spectators who came to Saint Maurin.
This dynamic duo alternates the playing of many typical Pyrenean instruments such as different flutes, bagpipes, guitar, piano, accordion and singing. The audience appreciated this diversity but also the complicity between the two singers. We would like to thank our sound technicians Jim and John who rendered the purity of Mathieu and Wilfried’s voices.
Finally, the Se Canto song taken up by the audience standing in front of the stage was very unifying, a certain communion through this language was established with the two interpreters.
As usual, the audience was able to discuss with the musicians during the traditional post-concert drink.
If you would like more information about the Arredalh Group, click here!
Bernard, a Saint Maurinois who loves the Occitan language, joined the performers in the finale to sing Immortelo and Se Canto in full voice, thus creating a joyful surprise! Bravo Bernard!

As the season draws to a close, we would like to thank Olivier, who takes on many tasks to ensure that these concerts delight our summer, year after year. Thanks also to our board members and volunteers who set up and tear down the stage, chairs and tables at each event.